What is IDS Communications?

IDS Communications came from my second company which I operated many years ago as an IT Consultant in Quebec City. My logo was originally designed by a good friend of mine and a colleague Éric. Since then, many things have changed in my life which at some point took an unexpected turn but I kept a strong interest for IT and everything surrounding this field. Since I still owned the domain name and had the logos saved, I decided to publish this Website under the same name even though my company was dissolved many years ago. It was simpler than looking for a new domain name and brought back good memories!

This website is in its early stage and will gradually grow and expand as users will join and add their input. Basically, the ultimate goal of this website is to provide the best IT Support and Knowledge Base to home users, IT "savvy" and also Professionals. Whatever you are trying to accomplish, someone can help you going through the little bump(s) you may encounter! Since I am not a programmer, you won't see anything fancy on my website so please just be aware.



Why did I create IDSCOMM? Simply because I love IT and I love technology, I love learning new things and helping people out when I can! Like anybody else, when I don't know something or don't know how to accomplish what I am trying to do, I have to google and search the Net looking for my answer(s). This website is to become another knowledge base for people like me and you! 

This used to be a profession for me, now it is more like a side thing or hobby but I try to stay up to date as much as possible. At home I have a setup which is a bit over the top but this is my Lab, this is where I test things and at the same time this is how I learn and stay up to date. In some of my Blogs, I shared this setup with you and posted some pictures.  Keep an eye on my Blog!


Login in

You can access this entire website as a guest without creating an account, the only thing is that you may not be able to add/reply to comment(s) in some section of the site, you may also have to go through captcha/recaptcha every time before posting something. You might no be able to downloads as some files might be restricted for members only. I am dealing with spam and to keep the site clean, for you guys and for myself, this is the way I found to have some control over it. Sorry if it's a bit painful for you but it's a necessity believe me!

To login to this site, you need to create an account first. Once created, you will have to confirm/activate your account with the email provided in the registration process. Once that's done, you will have full access to this site, including the blogs, articles, comments, downloads etc. Don't worry, I will not send you emails unless you subscribed to some section of this website, we protect our user's information and I am not a big fan of newsletter either unless something nice or big is happening.


Users' Contribution

Please don't hesitate to register so you can add your inputs and share your knowledge with me and many other users. Feel free to send me comments or questions, I will reply to everybody. If you want to be part of the Blog, please let me know I can set you up and you can start writing and sharing your experience as well. This Blog also supports Email posting, simply write your Blog in an email and send it to us to see it publish! Ask us how to use this awesome and handy feature! I am all about sharing information and knowledge, the goal is to make this website a useful tool and a reference in this big challenging world called IT!


Referral & Affiliate Links

If you are looking for deals, service providers or networking / IT equipment, you will find below some of my recommendations but also affiliate links. I do recommend the companies below either because I am currently using their services / equipment or have in the past, with great satisfaction.

Please note that some of the affiliate links may give me a small commission as a token of appreciation for my referral without affecting your purchase price. Thank you in advance for your support.


VOIP.MS Logo - Referral Program      Crypto.com Logo - Referral Program
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